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Version control basics

When you develop in the command line interface (CLI) or Cloud integrated development environment (IDE), you can leverage Git directly to version control your code. To use version control, make sure you are connected to a Git repository in the CLI or Cloud IDE.

You can create a separate branch to develop and make changes. The changes you make aren’t merged into the default branch in your connected repository (typically named the main branch) unless it successfully passes tests. This helps keep the code organized and improves productivity by making the development process smooth.

You can read more about git terminology below and also check out GitHub Docs as well.

Git overview

Check out some common git terms below that you might encounter when developing:

Repository or repoA repository is a directory that stores all the files, folders, and content needed for your project. You can think of this as an object database of the project, storing everything from the files themselves to the versions of those files, commits, and deletions. Repositories are not limited by user and can be shared and copied.
BranchA branch is a parallel version of a repository. It is contained within the repository but does not affect the primary or main branch allowing you to work freely without disrupting the live version. When you've made the changes you want to make, you can merge your branch back into the main branch to publish your changes
CheckoutThe checkout command is used to create a new branch, change your current working branch to a different branch, or switch to a different version of a file from a different branch.
CommitA commit is a user’s change to a file (or set of files). When you make a commit to save your work, Git creates a unique ID that allows you to keep a record of the specific changes committed along with who made them and when. Commits usually contain a commit message which is a brief description of what changes were made.
mainThe primary, base branch of all repositories. All committed and accepted changes should be on the main branch.

In the Cloud IDE, the main branch is protected. This means you can't directly edit, format, or lint files and execute dbt commands in your protected primary git branch. Since the dbt Cloud IDE prevents commits to the protected branch, you can commit those changes to a new branch.
MergeMerge takes the changes from one branch and adds them into another (usually main) branch. These commits are usually first requested via pull request before being merged by a maintainer.
Pull RequestIf someone has changed code on a separate branch of a project and wants it to be reviewed to add to the main branch, they can submit a pull request. Pull requests ask the repo maintainers to review the commits made, and then, if acceptable, merge the changes upstream. A pull happens when adding the changes to the main branch.
PushA push updates a remote branch with the commits made to the current branch. You are literally pushing your changes into the remote.
RemoteThis is the version of a repository or branch that is hosted on a server. Remote versions can be connected to local clones so that changes can be synced.

The git button in the Cloud IDE

You can perform git tasks with the git button in the Cloud IDE. The following are descriptions of each git button command and what they do:

Abort mergeThis option allows you to cancel a merge that had conflicts. Be careful with this action because all changes will be reset and this operation can't be reverted, so make sure to commit or save all your changes before you start a merge.
Change branchThis option allows you to change between branches (checkout).
CommitA commit is an individual change to a file (or set of files). When you make a commit to save your work, Git creates a unique ID (a.k.a. the "SHA" or "hash") that allows you to keep record of the specific changes committed along with who made them and when. Commits usually contain a commit message which is a brief description of what changes were made. When you make changes to your code in the future, you'll need to commit them as well.
Create new branchThis allows you to branch off of your base branch and edit your project. You’ll notice after initializing your project that the main branch is protected.

This means you can directly edit, format, or lint files and execute dbt commands in your protected primary git branch. When ready, you can commit those changes to a new branch.
Initialize your projectThis is done when first setting up your project. Initializing a project creates all required directories and files within an empty repository by using the dbt starter project.
Note: This option will not display if your repo isn't completely empty (i.e. includes a README file).
Once you click Initialize your project, click Commit to finish setting up your project.
Open pull requestThis allows you to open a pull request in Git for peers to review changes before merging into the base branch.
Pull changes from mainThis option is available if you are on any local branch that is behind the remote version of the base branch or the remote version of the branch that you're currently on.
Pull from remoteThis option is available if you’re on the local base branch and changes have recently been pushed to the remote version of the branch. Pulling in changes from the remote repo allows you to pull in the most recent version of the base branch.
Rollback to remoteReset changes to your repository directly from the Cloud IDE. You can rollback your repository back to an earlier clone from your remote. To do this, click on the three dot ellipsis in the bottom right-hand side of the IDE and select Rollback to remote.
Refresh git stateThis enables you to pull new branches from a different remote branch to your local branch with just one command.

Merge conflicts

Merge conflicts often occur when multiple users are concurrently making edits to the same section in the same file. This makes it difficult for Git to determine which change should be kept.

Refer to merge conflicts to learn how to resolve merge conflicts.

The .gitignore file

dbt Cloud implements a global .gitignore file that automatically excludes the following sub-folders from your git repository to ensure smooth operation:


This inclusion uses a trailing slash, making these lines in the .gitignore file act as 'folder wildcards' that prevent any files or folders within them from being tracked by git. You can also specify additional exclusions as needed for your project.

However, this global .gitignore does not apply to dbt Core and dbt Cloud CLI users directly. Therefore, if you're working with dbt Core or dbt Cloud CLI, you need to manually add the three lines mentioned previously to your project's .gitignore file.

It's worth noting that while some git providers generate a basic .gitignore file when the repository is created, these often lack the necessary exclusions for dbt Cloud. This means it's important to ensure you add the three lines mentioned previously in your .gitignore to ensure dbt Cloud operates smoothly.

  • dbt Cloud projects created after Dec 1, 2022 — If you use the Initialize dbt Project button in the dbt Cloud IDE to set up a new and empty dbt project, dbt Cloud will automatically add a .gitignore file with the required entries. If a .gitignore file already exists, the necessary folders will be appended to the existing file.

  • Migrating project from Core to dbt Cloud — Make sure you check the .gitignore file contains the necessary entries. dbt Core doesn't interact with git so dbt Cloud doesn't automatically add or verify entries in the .gitignore file. Additionally, if the repository already contains dbt code and doesn't require initialization, dbt Cloud won't add any missing entries to the .gitignore file.

For additional info or troubleshooting tips please refer to the detailed FAQ.
